This painting is interior artwork for the Ferryport Adventures, and prints are available on the Aradani Storefront!
This painting is interior artwork for the Ferryport Adventures, and prints are available on the Aradani Storefront!
The cover for my upcoming book, The Elves of Uteria! If you like it enough, you can even buy a print! The Elves of Uteria print at the Aradani storefront.
Just finished a new drawing last night and getting ready to print! This is a drawing that will be featured in my upcoming E-Book “The Elves of Uteria”, written by Dane Collins and myself. We are releasing a sample soon that will feature information on the Elflings of the Vale. Here is a little description … Read more
So my last book (a Pathfinder RPG module) was successfully funded on Kickstarter, so my team and I are working on our next book. It is about the Elves of Uteria. For it we are designing some new creatures and I wanted to share a picture of what my workspace looks like while creating.
This is going to be my big painting project for the Spring. It is a character from Uteria name Kaldrath, and a big ass dragon 🙂 I’ll be posting steps as I go along.
Hey everyone, The Kickstarter for the publication of my Pathfinder (OGL) module, The Tomb of Kochun, has gone live! If you donate towards its publication, you get will get some phat loot as well! PLEDGE $5 OR MORE Full color pdf version of the game. Estimated Delivery: Mar 2012 PLEDGE $15 OR MORE Full color … Read more
Male Elfling, pencil on paper.
Elflings consider themselves one of the first creatures to walk Uteria, and also claim that they gave the original names to many things. The Elves, considered cousins by the Elflings, do not hold to this belief. One should note that the terms Elves, Elf and Elfling are all human or dwarven in origin and each respective race has their own names for themselves, though elflings are quite content with keeping their common tongue name. In fact they readily accept the common tongue that they often have very illustrative surnames as Hilljumper or Stonethrower.