As many know, my brother Paul is a big Legend of Zelda cosplayer, so when we started to redesign our sign for festivals, I started this painting. We decided not to use it for our sign, but I finished it anyways.
As many know, my brother Paul is a big Legend of Zelda cosplayer, so when we started to redesign our sign for festivals, I started this painting. We decided not to use it for our sign, but I finished it anyways.
This painting is interior artwork for the Ferryport Adventures, and prints are available on the Aradani Storefront!
I will document my process of painting the cover here. More to come…
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Edgar Allen Poe, oil on panel, 11×14, 2013.
For sale at :
I started with Lovecraft, and then was commissioned to paint Poe. I think the final in the creepy series should be Stephen King.
I loved when we got to read Poe or other creepy things growing up, it is probably the reason I am so strange as an adult.
Just posted the latest update with new images off the easel! Every night brings new challenges, but I keep making little break thrus, which is great!
Hey everyone, The other day I spent some time at the easel painting and I was thinking of new ways to reach new art fans. I have had so much success at Kickstarter, I decided I wanted to try my hand at an art focused project. One of the big gambles making art is that … Read more
This is a commission for someone at the Ohio Renaissance Festival. The title is a nod to Charlie going american all over someones ass in Always Sunny. And the Mountains were stolen right out of an Elmore painting.
I was listing this original for sale on Ebay when I realized I had never posted it in my art galleries.
Here is the latest photo of the 30 x 40 painting. I am calling it “the edge of madness”. Finished the first layer of the little flying machine on the left, next is to do a reference photoshoot for the flying cthulhu which will be on the right side of the canvas. So far I … Read more
Just wanted to show you how I often prepare a surface. This is clear gessoed luan wood with frame. Very wet acrylic if various things on it to rust, stain or shape the paint as it drys.