I got to spend most of Thursday working on molds and sculpting, which was wonderful. More pcitures after break.
Some of you may remember this guy from a few months ago when I first sculpted him. Ok, ok, it’s been almost a year. Well, we have been so busy at the shop that we have not had time to get photos and get him on the store for sale. Today I decided to use … Read more
So I just cast a prototype plastic of the new demon mask. I painted it up for Connooga this weekend and I think it turned out pretty good. They will be available in silicone or latex very soon!
Now its the fun stuff. Adding wrinkles, pimples and pores. Oh and I got the horns done! We will also be offering these horns as stand alone horns that you can tie to your head for an everyday devilish look.
Hey guys, I have had this mask finished for a while, just had not had time to post photos. I finished this after I sculpted our very popular duck bill prosthetic, as something that was more “me” than a duck bill. I just grabbed some clay and made it without and real plan. And I … Read more
One of my masks which was made for a performance piece is now up for sale on Aradani Costumes, click the image below to check it out!
Just added my Silicone Scarecrow Mask to the aradani costume page: ip information