I got to spend most of Thursday working on molds and sculpting, which was wonderful. More pcitures after break.
Some of you may remember this guy from a few months ago when I first sculpted him. Ok, ok, it’s been almost a year. Well, we have been so busy at the shop that we have not had time to get photos and get him on the store for sale. Today I decided to use … Read more
Now its the fun stuff. Adding wrinkles, pimples and pores. Oh and I got the horns done! We will also be offering these horns as stand alone horns that you can tie to your head for an everyday devilish look.
I am going to toss some stuff together for tonight at #GMXv3 , but will be working on a full costume for chattacon.
So I am always on the search for new how-to books, reference materials, or just art books. One that I have used often in my sculpting and mask making has been Special Makeup Effects for Stage and Screen: Making and Applying Prosthetics. It has tons of great articles and a constant reference when I am … Read more
One of my masks which was made for a performance piece is now up for sale on Aradani Costumes, click the image below to check it out!
Posted a quick list over at the Aradani Costumes blog on my costume projects for 2011. Click the image to make the jump. ps – this is not one of my drawings. i will be posting my own drawings as i design each costume.
Just added my Silicone Scarecrow Mask to the aradani costume page: ip information
Here are some sculpture / costume commissions I am working on. First is a WIP skull mask. It is meant to be a pauldron for some armor, but it will also be available as a latex or hard plastic mask. Second is a WIP duck bill prosthetic. This is for a costuming group for Draogn … Read more
One of our customers sent in this photo of her application of our latex jungle cat mask. I think it turn ed out pretty awesome! This mask in our catalog: http://www.aradanicostumes.com/prosthetics_masks/masks/latex_jungle_cat_fem server dns information . nimbus cloud ip information . how to backup to icloud Tenopardgyse